Monday, December 14, 2009

Mourning to Laughter

Realizing that I choose to be completely non-productive in the evenings because I don't want to be challenged by reading the Bible, or other challenging books, or praying, or preparing for youth group makes me feel soooo LAME! Somehow, I got in a funk and I HATE it. It's time to repent, re-connect
with the God who gives life, and love, learn, lead, and live in view of eternity, and to help as many people as possible become totally committed to Jesus!

I haven't read my Bible for the past few days except for preparing for a sermon or stuff like that because I haven't been connected to "the Vine." If I'm not connected to God, why read His word? I haven't been reading a couple of books I've started recently (freaking awesome books: "Blue Like Jazz" and "The Irresistible Revolution") because what I've read of them so far challenges the CRAP out of me! I didn't want to be challenged because I know that doing anything without God is pointless.

But I'm back, Lord. I am sooo ready to be challenged! MAN, I realize how worthless my self-serving attitude and behavior is and I need to be saved from it! I need my passion for myself to be replaced with a passion for YOU, and that begins with prayer and ends in obedience.

Why prayer? That's the way I truly connect with God. I can do ANY spiritual discipline and not be connected to God. But I cannot truly pray to God and not connect. Prayer reminds me of the sacrifice that He already made, the forgiveness I've already received, and the open arms the Father always has for me when I've strayed.