Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thoughts on 1 Kings 17

here's just some stuff that I'm gleaming from 1 Kings, y'all

Remember in Matthew 16:13 when Jesus asks his disciples who the people say he is? The disciples responded, "some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah..." I wonder if one of the reasons why they thought Jesus was Elijah was because Elijah was involved in raising a child from the dead. In 1 Kings 17, God tells Elijah to go to this widow's house and eat her food for a while (this is during a drought). The woman reluctantly agrees and God allowed what little flower and oil she had last for much longer than it should have while Elijah stayed with the widow and her child. Toward the end of Elijah's stay, her child became sick and she got ticked at Elijah (being a prophet, maybe he could have done something about it before hand?). But Elijah wasn't happy either. He took the child up into his room, prayed to God to revive the child's life...and He DID!

Once Elijah brought the child back down alive, the widow said, "Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth." Wow. The widow's basic needs for life (flower + oil = bread) were being met, but she didn't really believe that Elijah was a prophet of God until the unexplainable, the miraculous happened.

Could it be that meeting people's needs will give us a place to stay, but the unexplainable, the miraculous will open people's eyes and they will acknowledge the reality and power of God? If this is true, it may reveal why "ministry" just keeps people's attention rather than transforming their life...every Christian at one time or another relies on his/her own strength to reveal God to people. We reason with people, we serve them, we preach (which are all GREAT) but if we don't rely on GOD'S power to change peoples lives we are just keeping their attention/giving us "a place to stay" in their lives, but with no transformation.

Reasoning, serving, preaching, and everything else we can do to show people we love them are NECESSARY, but even MORE NECESSARY is that we PRAY for people to experience God and repent, be transformed, be given new life, and that we rely on God to do this.

What's nice about this is that it's no longer us who "fail" or "succeed," because God is in control. If we just do our part, what we know we can and should do (teach, love, serve) God will take care of the rest and take the burden of life transformation upon Himself.

So be free, do your part, and give the results up to God for Him to work out.