Tuesday, November 17, 2009

8 Ways to Aviod Drama

So, I've been reading Colossians, and there's some great stuff all over it, but today, God really spoke to me through Colossians 3:12-14. Hopefully He'll do the same for you. There's a lot of different applications for these verses, but I though that avoiding drama and building relationships is pretty close to God's heart. So here's 8 WAYS TO AVOID DRAMA :)

Be Compassionate - allow others pain motivate you toward doing good for them, rather than simply telling everyone about their pain

Be Kind - It's easy to push people away when they are being difficult or if they are just different. Instead, draw them closer to yourself and "kill 'em with kindness."

Be Humble - Know (and practice) that you do not always HAVE to be right! Is it not better to save or develop a friendship than to be right?

Be Gentle - Imagine the difference between a savage lion and a gentle lion...look at a savage lion cross-eyed and he'll pounce you. Look at a gentle lion cross-eyed and he'll lick your face raw. In other words, don't fly off the handle when something upsets you.

Be Patient - If you can't settle a problem with someone and they're not ready to resolve it, don't give up. Continue seeking forgiveness and restoration within the relationship.

Bear With One Another - One of the most difficult things in life is to value and accept another persons FEELINGS! Feelings are often not logical, but if someone is felling a certain way, whether it's logical or not, THAT'S HOW THEY FEEL! Accept it, value it, and move on from there.

Be Forgiving -  Forgiveness is more for the forgive-er than for the forgive-ee. If we hold resentment toward someone and don't let it go, we're like a refrigerator keeping a plate of raw stake inside and won't let it go. Eventually that raw stake will smell disgusting and will contaminate everything else in the refrigerator.

Be Loving - Always be thinking, "does what I'm about to say demonstrate love for this person?" "Does what I'm about to do show my love for that person?" I promise, you will never do anything wrong if you carefully consider these 2 questions and respond appropriately.